These bulk actions are only available within the Enrollment Module
Generate Contracts
Once your new and returning students have a status of Enrollment in Progress, you can then generate contracts in bulk. You may want to set some filters first for a status of Enrollment in Progress, a contract status of pending, and then you can filter for new or returning students if you wish. Once you apply your filters, select all of your contacts in bulk, click on the bulk edit menu and then select Generate Contracts.
You’ll be notified how many contracts will be generated within the contacts you selected. In addition, you’ll be notified what contacts already submitted contracts so that you know they will not be re-generated. Once everything looks okay to you, click on “Generate.”
Rollover for your returning students can be performed in bulk and is only accessible via the edit menu of your enrolled students page.
Please note, roll-over is specific to enrollment only and does not apply to Inquiries or Applicants. For these students, you can use Change Current Term within the Edit menu of the Admissions List Page or individually within the student record. Please refer to the Terms: Student Record Features article for more information.
As soon as a student becomes enrolled, they will show up in the Enrolled Students page. You can now look back at class rosters for previous years by selecting the Term in the top left of the page. When it comes to your current class roster, you can roll students over to the following grade in bulk and they’ll automatically show up in the Students in Enrollment List Page with a status of Enrollment in Progress for you to manage them. To do this, select your students within the Enrolled Students list page and click on Edit – Rollover to new term.
This bulk tool promotes students based on their grade’s promotion order. If students already exist in the new Term, then there’s no need to roll them over. Students can be rolled-over individually or in bulk, and can be rolled over all at once or at different times. (To manage promotion or advancement order for each grade, go to Settings – General – Grades). Once you select roll-over, a pop-up box will display letting you know what actions will take place once you perform this action as shown below.
Students will be promoted from their current grade to the next grade according to the Grade Advancement Settings. Ex. 4th grade students in 2015 will be rolled over to Enrollment in Progress for 5th grade in 2016.For a school that doesn’t have clearly defined grades:You might have programs where students are in multiple years in a row. In these cases, you may not have a promotion order setup if the student is in the same program 2 or 3 years consecutively.
All returning students will be promoted to the new grade and have an enrollment type of Returning.
Graduating students will be marked as Alumni unless otherwise noted within the Grade Advancement settings. Alumni is an "Out of Workflow" role and graduates who are marked as alumni will no longer be visible in a Parent's portal/checklist.
Mid-Year Withdrawal students will be marked as Former Students.
Students that are rolled-over have an updated status and enrollment type.
All term-based fields such as deposit, financial aid, scholarship, etc will also get setup for the new year so that you can track historical payment and fee amounts for each student.
If a student was previously rolled-over, the roll-over tool will ignore a second roll-over, which is a safeguard against duplicating this action.
If a student is repeating a grade or skipping a grade, you can roll them forward and then manually update their grade accordingly.
If a student left your school for a few years and came back, you can modify the status of that student to either new or returning once they come back to your school.
Once you click the Proceed with Rollover button in blue, the system lets you know this action can’t be undone and asks you to confirm. Roll-over takes a few minutes. You will then be able to see your students after the roll-over is complete within the Students in Enrollment List Page. If you need to place any students on Academic Hold, Financial Hold, or in a Deferred Status, you can update their status in bulk within Edit – Change Status or you can change statuses individually within the Edit menu of the student record. Please remember to repeat this action for any remaining pages of students.
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