SAO API Integration
Creates applicant student in Finalsite Enrollment with basic demographic information from SAO
Imports the SAO portfolio data in PDF form, including application, supplemental forms, recommendations, and test scores which can all be mapped to corresponding checklist items in Finalsite Enrollment.
Portfolio PDF will update automatically as student and family submits additional information.
Test score data for students that applied through SAO will automatically populate the student’s contact record with their scores. *Important: If a student applied through Finalsite Enrollment and took the test separately, Finalsite Enrollment will compare the list of students that released their scores to the school with existing contacts in the system and identify any potential matches.
The majority of data on the SAO PDF is not automatically written through to the database and only remains viewable on the PDF.
The application source is captured so schools can track and report SAO applications separately from direct applicants.
Customer Responsibilities
Data dictionary for field mappings
Provide API keys
Finalsite Enrollment Responsibilities
Configure integration
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