Scheduled exports are exports that can be delivered via SFTP on a regular basis. In the future, Finalsite Enrollment will also offer scheduled exports through email. To create a scheduled export, your school must first have a pre-existing export that they would like delivered on a regular basis, as well as an SFTP server configured to receive the data.
SFTP Setup
For this step, it is assumed your school has a pre-existing SFTP server or has created one for these exports.
To begin creating a scheduled export, go to 'Settings' -- 'Fields & Data' -- 'SFTP Setup'. If you cannot see this tab, check with your System Administrator to make sure you have data permissions.
Once on this page, you will see the following options:
SFTP Host Name
Port (optional)
SFTP Username
SFTP Password
Fill in this information, including the 'Port' if your SFTP server has firewall rules configured. You can use the 'Test Connection' button to test the server and confirm we are able to reach it. When you are done, be sure to click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.
On this page, you can also take note of the IP addresses that Finalsite Enrollment SFTP exports may come from, and ensure that your firewall is configured to allow incoming connections from them on port 22.
Create Scheduled Export
Now that the SFTP server has been configured, go to:
'Settings' -- 'Fields & Data' -- 'Scheduled Exports' and click 'Create a Scheduled Export'.
This will bring up a similar screen to running a non-scheduled export. It may help to review the article on Running a Data Export if you are unfamiliar with the export options.
From this screen, the user will select the export configuration, the saved search, and which records to include (all or since last export). If you're familiar with a non-scheduled export, these steps are the same. For a scheduled export, you also have to set the following:
Schedule - This option sets the schedule type. Each schedule type is listed below. Each export will arrive on the scheduled day at approximately 3:30 AM CST.
Weekly - Exports will be delivered every Monday.
Daily - Exports will be delivered every day.
Monthly - Exports will delivered on the first of every month.
Delivery Method - There are two export delivery options available to you.
SFTP - A valid SFTP configuration must be created before a scheduled export can be saved, as described above.
Email - Deliver export to an email or list of emails, configured in the 'List emails separated by commas' box below.
Once the scheduled export is created, it can be saved, edited and deleted at any time. Multiple scheduled exports can exist, each linked to different searches or configs.
Email Notification
Once the scheduled export is complete, the user that ran the export will receive an email.
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